And Yet Another Post About Virtuoso

Today nearly all problems are solved. OpenLink provided a patch that makes inserting very large literals (more than 1 metabyte in size) lightning fast, even with a very low buffer count. Also I worked around the issue of URI encoding. Now the Soprano Virtuoso backend simply percent-encodes all non-unreserved characters and all reserved characters that are not used in their special meaning in URIs used in queries. Man, that is a mouth full. Well, it seems to work fine although I can always use more testing with weird file URLs (weird means containing weird characters like brackets and the likes). I also fixed some error handling bugs.

So what is left? Well, there are a few hacks in the Virtuoso backend which are rather ugly. One example is the detection of query result types. To determine if the result is boolean, bindings, or a graph it actually checks the name and number of result columns. Urgh! It would be nicer to check for the type of the result. Seems like graph results are BLOBs.

Anyway, enough for tonight. I am tired. Here is the patch to make Virtuoso not hang when Strigi adds nie:PlainTextContent literals of big files:

Index: sqlrcomp.c
RCS file: virtuoso-opensource/libsrc/Wi/sqlrcomp.c,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 sqlrcomp.c
--- sqlrcomp.c  20 Aug 2009 17:47:22 -0000      1.9
+++ sqlrcomp.c  13 Oct 2009 16:11:49 -0000
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 va_list list;
 char temp[2000];
-  int ret;
+  int ret, rest_sz, copybytes;
 va_start (list, string);
 ret = vsnprintf (temp, sizeof (temp), string, list);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
@@ -75,11 +75,16 @@
 va_end (list);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
 if (*fill + strlen (temp) > len - 1)
-    GPF_T1 ("overflow in strncpy");
+    GPF_T1 ("overflow in memcpy");
-  strncpy (&text[*fill], temp, len - *fill - 1);
+  rest_sz = (len - fill[0]);
+  if (ret >= rest_sz)
+    copybytes = ((rest_sz > 0) ? rest_sz : 0);
+  else
+    copybytes = ret+1;
+  memcpy (text+fill[0], temp, copybytes);
 text[len - 1] = 0;
-  *fill += (int) strlen (temp);
+  fill[0] += ret;

Introduction to RDF and SPARQL by the Other Guy

As you might know already Tracker is now using RDF and SPARQL and also the Nepomuk ontologies. One of their most active developers is Phillip van Hoof. He just wrote two blogs on this topic: Introduction to RDF and SPARQL and More introduction to RDF and SPARQL. He gives a very nice overview of semantic data on the desktop. Of course, his examples are a bit Tracker specific but most can also be performed using sopranocmd.

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