Nepomuk And Some CMake Magic

And now for some technical build scripting. Some of you maybe know nepomuk-rcgen. It can be used to generate subclasses of Nepomuk::Resource which provide nice wrapper methods around Nepomuk::Resource::property and Nepomuk::Resource::setProperty. Although it has been in need of improvement for quite some time it can be very useful as code gets way more readable.

So far the cmake integration was, well, let’s face it, bad. It was the result of my first attempts at creating a bit more complex cmake macros. Funnily enough the kdepim developers did not find a real solution to the problem of creating source files at cmake-time either. They would have a long list of classes that would be generated in the CMakeLists.txt file.

Today I finally sat down and fixed it. The new macro (currently only available in playground due to the KDE 4.3 feature freeze) does a much better job. It creates the list of source and header files to be generated at cmake-time while the files themselves are generated at build-time. This way not all files need to be recompiled every time cmake is run. This was the biggest problem of the previous macro.

Usage is fairly simple and in align with known KDE macros such as kde4_add_ui_files:

     [ONTOLOGIES] <onto-file1> [<onto-file2> ...]
     [TEMPLATES <template1> [<template2> ...]]

A typical example looks as follows:

kde4_add_library(nie STATIC ${nie_SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(nie ${NEPOMUK_LIBRARIES})

I will probably also add a SERIALIZATION parameter so we do not have to rely on the crude auto-detection based on the file extension.

Another tool which is probably even less known is Soprano’s onto2vocabularyclass. It also generates code. (Actually not classes but namespaces. Thus the name is misleading. ) And is also uses an ontology file as input. The result is a namespace like Soprano::Vocabulary::NAO which gives access to static QUrl objects representing the classes and properties defined in the ontology. A very useful tool when one has to create many queries and does not want to hardcode all the RDF namespaces.

Just to show how one would typically use such a namespace here is a SPARQL query using Soprano:

QString query = QString("select ?r where { ?r a %1 . }")
      .arg( Soprano::Node::resourceToN3( Soprano::Vocabulary::NAO::Tag() ) );

And just like before I created a little cmake macro that creates these namespaces for you. It has a bit more parameters than the one above but is still quite simple:

     <namespace to use>
     [VISIBILITY <visibility-name>])

One simply has to specify the ontology file, the name of the C++ namespace (NAO in the example above), the parent namespace (Soprano::Vocabulary in the example above), the serialization of the ontology file, and optionally the visibility in case the namespace should be exported publicly (see the onto2vocabularyclass documentation for details).

Like before I will close with a little example taken from playground (simplified):

   VISIBILITY "nepomuk")
kde4_add_library(pimo SHARED ${pimo_LIB_SRCS})

2 thoughts on “Nepomuk And Some CMake Magic

  1. Pingback: What’s the worst that could happen? « Bobulate

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