Aggregating Nepomuk

Recently there have been some posts on Nepomuk in KDE. Tobias König blogged about how to Pimp my Nepomuk. He explains how for many users redland is still the default backend and how to change that. He gives the most important pointers on how to enable the java-based sesame2 Soprano backend. Thomas McGuire gives a very good introduction into what Soprano, Nepomuk, Strigi, and Akonadi are and how they relate. This was a much needed post. Thank you for that, Thomas! And finally mat69 gives his ideas on how to improve the desktop search experience with Nepomuk. He has some good ideas that should really be implemented.

Can somebody please tell me how to get 40 hours out of the work-day? That would really help! ;)

10 thoughts on “Aggregating Nepomuk

  1. Pingback: Akari (akari) 's status on Monday, 05-Oct-09 08:17:44 UTC -

  2. We could try to stop the earth from spinning.

    My first proposition wuld be to build giant fans on top of Everest, and place them so they look to the west. Once we switch them off, maybe this will slow down enough to have 40 hours long day.

  3. Those blog entries has be nice to read because we got that kind information what tells something for normal users :)

    It has be intresting to read about nepomuk a few years now. But the actually implention has be missing long. And seems we need to wait even next main release of KDE to get something “working” (other than just nepomuksearch:/tag:).

  4. well, for me, even “nepomuksearch:tag” isn’t working… hope to finally make nepomuk work in kde 4.4 it’s about time!

  5. Well, with KDE 4.3 you can at least enter a search term in the search field in any Dolphin window. That’s far from perfect, but at least a bit more convenient than entering nepomuksearch:/… manually. It searches full text and comments AFAICS, no tags however.

  6. Having a more constant flow of info towards the users of kde might help there; if people know what is going on and where the pain points are you might just be surprised at incoming patches :)

      • Sebastian, there is all that stuff is playground (search client, pimo shell, ect.), some of which – if it was stable and full-featured – would make a lot of users happy. I think it would help if you would write blog posts about these small projects of yours and how they do or don’t come along. Then potential developers would at least know what is there to hack on and where it is meant to move (I can’t see TODO files?).

  7. I agree with mutlu. A killer feature for all “non-geek” users is the people-tag and pimo integration. No other desktop I know have them and everyone likes those features that are widely used in social networking sites. If it was still time, I would push them on to 4.4 as a tech preview and have some (maybe even hakish at first) integration with gwenview and akonadi. I know that the akonadi part is already there and can push contacts to nepomuk so this would be the very first use case out of pim applications.
    By the way, a simplified way to edit all the metadata about a file inside the File properties dialog is something I am really in need. Eg. setting the authors and title of a paper on a pdf. Playground offer such a too but it’s still hard to use. I can make a few mockups if needed.
    Anyway, as far as I can see Nepomuk has come a long way and will soon start to fulfill its promesses.

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